erm,jz 0ne w0rd can describe myself right now
jz went back fr0m key ell
[act,n0tim special there]
bak kate s0meone..
"pe yg xde kt klntan,ader kt sane"
[[xpnting pn bena kate2 ituu]]
the main reason i supp0se 2 go there's only 2 "thr0w away"
ma sis~huk^^[that's the correct usage 4 disturber,gurls]
then:sh0ppim tyme~
2nd day in kl,i've g0t msg fr0m timah:k0loh banjir weh!.
'h0w's xtra class?'
'as usual laa..'
i knew it already..jz j0king~
then,[eh,bkp0 ak speaking niss]
ak brsame femily ddk kt umh pak sdare ak[baru j0lo,sdap ckit]
jup0k danisy~bd0p gmuk++
dhla nakal,gege pl0p tuss
sdak ngenak dye^^
klu jerik seney jas,,wi air s0ya.
0k r lpah tuss
hee[nmenye bd0p]
g nilai 3
ai nih:ahd..ak balek
dlm prjlnn 2 dpt msj mcn0 pl0p
dye 0yk um0h halimunan kene pec0h msk
kezutan kali kedua ak trime
nway,*halimunan* tuss mrujuk kpd jiran bru ak..
dpnggil halimunan 0leh ak skeluarge dsbbkn klu dye nmpk 0re..
aut0matik dye akn nusup
mri r dum0s
saksikan sdri..[ngepem2]
takut r ug0p
sb rmh ak depe tuss jas
mujur laa xjd gp2 kt um0h tuss
sapa2 dum0s
halimunan dk atah tngga
'tulah,laen kali kene saem nge 0re'=bak kate kak ak s0re ag..[dye s0re ag xch0w]
ak s0kom kate2 kak ak ituu~
[kejamkah kami?]
dats all
p/s:g0t news 'bout her..she hv jz br0ke up wif him.i'm n0t s0o expert in diz
situati0n[0f cos] but surely there's 0nly i cud say dat is"Dis is n0t da exact time 4 us 2 hv such dis silly situati0n as we g0 on we hv 2 face much m0re imp0rtant things
thr0ugh 0ur l0oong j0urney..dats we called life,frens!s0,d0n't take that thing t0o hard,okie?put it aside and let y0ur ambiti0ns lead your way^^
[it s0unds t0o simple 4 me..eheh]
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