Wednesday, December 24, 2008

2009 is c0ming

tagged by ♥ms teEn and ♥mS qiela

1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
♥3f..[family,frenz and *future husband]..wink~

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri?
♥bus ticket? $1.40.its worth,though

3. Di manakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu?
♥at his house.for sure.any suggestion?

4. Berapa lama anda rasa hubungan kamu berkekalan?
♥lets ended now.may i?

5. Adakah anda dilamun cinta?
♥what about u?0ws,i c..nevermind

6. Di manakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam?
♥t0myam restaurant at n0where,,i d0nt take a note

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
♥a r0mantic get away;Sarah M0nk..u aren't encourage t0 read this b0ok.
just 0ne w0rd 2 describe me

8. Apakah nama penuh kamu?
♥why bother?unless u r my principal or someone else..

9. Kamu lebih senang dengan mak atau ayah?
♥i prefer b0th..i d0 love b0th of them.m0re than w0rds..

10. Namakan seseorang yang kamu ingin jumpa untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidup anda?
anyway,he's my cat..
its fullname is faizal tahir..given by my lil bro.[what the heck]
btw,am i answering your question?

11.Sebutkan 8-5 nama sahabat yang paling rapat dengan kamu? ( in no particular order )
♥0nce they made friends with me,f0r the wh0le life time i'll remember that..
for sure,u are my luvvies^^,friends.

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian anda sendiri?
♥"yap.of course"said

13. Tempat yang paling seronok kamu mahu pegi?
♥the m0st desirable place f0r every single's immortal

14. Pelukan atau ciuman?
♥just a sweet kick..

15. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu.
sweet,brilliant,friendly,easy-going and last but not least she's nice^^
zainabian,an active girl,fall in love with mcflurry,cheerful person and also hardworking^^

p/s:this is not a compliment but a truth..ngee..psst,what about slurpee for a treat?;p

16. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai
♥sony tv;watching whatever dramas,even nightline
♥kitchen;cooking,,i'm a new kid here,,hax
♥kfc;cheezy wedges,,but your own hand-made is also better.try do it first

17. 8 perkataan yang sering di ucapkan
♥i'm not a typical person.just depend for the questions u ask.
again,am i asking your question,dear?

18. 8 buah buku yang paling terbaru dibaca
♥+the one that i've told u before.
♥+and the next one is my untoucable-for-a-long-time,my history text book.
i pretty love u!undeniable..
okep,no more.

19. 8 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali
♥.Fall for you
♥.Bersama bintang
♥.Better in time
♥.I sing for you[out of date,though]
♥.full h0use ost
again,n0 more.anyway,i used t0 stick with the same s0ng even for a year.
such a b0red person i am.yeah,its me.[kecek sore]

19. 8 perkara yang saya pelajari tahun lalu
♥i've been gr0wing and nurturing through such a c0lourful of life.
Despite the bitterness or sourness it was,i've been trying to be a better amalina.
btw,SMu taught me t0 be a patient and t0ugh person as i am n0t in type of that.

20. 8 orang untuk di tag

♥p/s:-english is fun-babak skali skalo.d0ne.


AtikAh said...

what a name??

mr.t0shiba ug0p??
sup0 ah~

✖qiELa™✖ said...

n0 hal jah..wink2~xD

nik amalina said...

senget nme tuh,
tue dye d0p;p

mr.t0shiba is very2 useful 4 0ur daily life tik.hax


✖qiELa™✖ said...

haha..okeayh jah^^

nik amalina said...


Anonymous said...

future husband bena..

nik amalina said...

mikir jauh khadpn tuh

✖qiELa™✖ said...

haks..bercita2 tggi..agaga~xp

nik amalina said...

malu es